Personal Philosophy

Whether it's working with a group of vocalists, or writing about environmental issues, all facets of my professional life spring from the same personal philosophy. It revolves around my aspiration to live as an integral, authentic person, one who strives to live a balanced life—as a creative being, steward of the environment, and conscious world citizen. This framework informs both my professional activities and how I aspire to live on a daily basis.
The two principal life goals I strive to follow daily. First, I remain committed to seeking Truth, Goodness, and Beauty in life; and, second, in dealings with others I seek to live by the Golden Rule, a universal belief that we humans should treat others as we wish to be treated, which in it’s fullest dimension leads to promoting the Common Good. I hope I can live up to both goals. -- Clif
Sustainability Activisim

Clif and Bettye are co-founders of Citizens for Sustainability (CFS), a group of citizens located mostly in St. Anthony Village, a first-tier northeast suburb in the Twin Cities who are working to create greater resilience and sustainability for themselves, their loved ones, and their local, national, and world communities. For more information about CFS see the website.
The couple also co-founded Sustainability Education Forum, which sponsors occasional forums featuring appropriate documentaries, occasional guest speakers and discussion. Another major component is the Sustainability News+Views, an e-newsletter usually published on alternate weeks.
Clif and Bettye support many environmental organizations, but their primary focus is on supporting population groups, notably World Population Balance, which is located in Minneapolis. Clif is founding member of Sustainable World Population Balance and serves on the board of Citizen Powered Media, which addresses issues associated with the concept of constant growth, as related to constant economic growth (consumption of natural resources) and human population, the main driver of all environmental concerns.
Eco Projects

One medium is What is Sustainability?, a 45-minute presentation that focuses on the inter-connectedness of the four Big E’s: Energy, Environment, Economy, and Equity-Equality, with some attention given to Expectations, and Enlightenment. An older version--Insight Forum--was a project that involved the collaborative efforts of five original members of the Insight Forum Group: Grant Foster, James Miernicki, Alan Ware, Bettye and Clif Ware. Designed as a live presentation, it is now available in five parts on Clif's YouTube channel, which can be accessed on YouTube.
Another medium is an original composition titled Eco-Songs: Promoting Sustainability Through the Arts, a 30-50-minute presentation by Clif (tenor) and Bettye (keyboard) that includes thirteen songs, a slideshow with Illuminating visuals, and scientific data related to each piece. Song styles include hymn, folk, pop, musical theater, and classical. The lyrics address topics using both serious and humorous approaches, including satire and parody.